Hackathons with a purpose.
Work with a local nonprofit at a hackathon with a Code for Cause track!

How It Works

At the hackathon:

In addition to traditional tracks like education or healthcare, you'll have the option to participate in the Code for Cause track and build a project to help a specific nonprofit. You'll compute for fun prizes, same as you would with any other track.

After the hackathon:

We'll get you in contact with the nonprofit so you can gain real-life project management experience. Also, you'll get the opportunity to earn volunteer service hours as Code for Cause is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Upcoming Code for Cause Partnered Hackathons


Apr 20
14 Hrs
Mountain House

MountainHacks is open to all high-school students grades 9-12, and to all experience levels! Organized by students from Mountain House High School, this in-person hackathon will have tons of cool stuff: food, swag (merch), workshops, prizes, and dev tools for ALL hackers!

Milpitas Hacks

May 25
14 Hrs

Milpitas Hacks is the first high school hackathon in Milpitas started by Milpitas Unified School District students. They are committed to the inclusion of women in STEM through their hackathon.

More hackathons coming soon!

Drop your email below to get notified about future Code for Cause partnered hackathons.

Want Code for Cause at Your Hackathon?

If you're running your own hackathon and are interested in partnering with Code for Cause, we'd love to hear from you! Contact us at our email team@codeforcause.dev or through our contact us page.

Increased Participation

Partnering with Code for Cause noticably increases project submission rates.

Community Collaboration

Connect and work with local nonprofits through a Code for Cause partnership.

Appeal to Sponsors

Sponsors love to support hackathons that give to community.

Increased Promotion

Partnered hackathons get access to our email list of 400+ hackers.

So who runs the hackathons?
The hackathons that we partner with typically have their own organizing team. We serve as the middle man, connecting the nonprofit to the hackathon.
Can I get service hours?
Yes, because you are building a project for real 501(c)3 nonprofits, you can get service hours for your work.
Who can participate?
If you can participate in the hackathon we are partnered with, you can participate in the Code for Cause track.
How do I get notified when a hackathon is happening?
Join our email list and we'll send you an email whenever we partner with a new hackathon!
Who are the judges?
The judge panel will vary from hackathon to hackathon, but they will typically be a mix of nonprofit representatives and hackathon organizers.
What happens after the hackathon?
After the hackathon, we'll connect you with the nonprofit to continue working on the project if you'd like. This is great for earning service hours and recommendation letters!
Looking for our 2023 Code for Cause Hackathon? It's right here!